Objections filed against SSLC examination timetable

The KSEAB released a tentative timetable for the upcoming 2023 SSLC final examinations on Oct. 29, 2022. Multiple objections were filed against the tentative Secondary School Leaving Certificate (SSLC) or 10th class examination timetable that was released last month. Anyone who wanted to object to the SSLC timetable had the provision to do so between […]

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Students prefer paid study centers over public libraries

Public libraries are closed for every small occasion while private study centers are always open and accessible.   Students are choosing private study centers over public libraries because these provide students with flexible timings (24×7), Wi-Fi facilities, private cabins, the latest versions of books and more to name.   Manjunath, an exam aspirant said, “Most […]

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Lack of sports facilities makes it difficult for students to excel

Government school students say they do not have adequate sports equipment and PE teachers in school. Government schools in the city lack sports facilities and faculty said school authorities. The Samagra Siksha Scheme states that every government school will receive grants of Rs.5,000 for Primary Schools, Rs. 10,000 for upper primary schools and up to […]

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Schools struggle to find counsellors

The National Education Policy (NEP) emphasizes students’ mental health and well-being but students say they do not get proper assistance. Many students say that they are not provided with a counsellor or well-being teacher at their schools. The affiliation Bye-Laws of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) say that schools should appoint a counsellor […]

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