Access to swimming difficult for differently abled

Considering India’s achievements in Paralympics,  parents of differently-abled children are demanding  exclusive swimming pools or reasonable time slots in public pools. Differently-abled children and their parents are having a tough time getting access to the swimming pools in the city. The city currently has no swimming pool exclusively allotted for disabled children. Parents said that […]

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Traffic chaos near hospital; signals don’t work

Not just traffic signals, but traffic police are also missing from the area. The traffic signals in the Balagangadharanatha Swamiji Gleneagles Global Hospital (BGS Hospital) junction are not working which is resulting in traffic congestion.                                              Dinesh an auto driver complains that “It has been a long time but the traffic police have not repaired […]

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Non-core engineering courses preferred

Core engineering branches like electrical, civil and mechanical are losing their sheen. In the last decade engineering seats in core branches have reduced from 180 to 60 whereas in non-core branches seats have increased. This year in Karnataka Common Entrance Test (KCET) rounds of counselling, seats in non-core branches  have filled earlier than those in […]

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National Education Day

The Illiteracy rate among all adults over 15-year-old in 2020, by regions of the world. Nikita Joshi Education Index performance of Indian States Anupama VM Number of Indian students in Foreign countries Vishisht Dwivedi Allocation of Education budget over the years Avantika Khajuria Percentage of GDP spent on Education in India Arya. S. Biju Literacy […]

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