And the Oscar goes to…

Non-actors top the list of most Oscar wins Vandana Batra Twenty-one and counting Ashna Mariam George Meryl Streep, American actress, is the only actor nominated more than 20 times at the Oscars in the acting category. Out of the 21 nominations, she has won three Oscars – Best Supporting Actress award in 1980 for ‘Kramer […]

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Looming Doom : The Climate Crisis

Average Mean Global Surface Temperature Deviation Vishisht Dwivedi Countries Most Affected By Climate Change Lovely Tyagi Climate Change Performance Index Avantika Khajuria Top 15 CO2 emitting countries Sumanta Sinha Countries Ranked By Renewable Energy 2023 Prajwal Jayaraj Source: Wisevoter Animals impacted by climate change Anupama VM Caption: Climate change affects at least 10,967 species on […]

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Stay safe online!

Afghanistan: the biggest target for cyber attacks Ishika Sharma Afghanistan, with a cyber-safety score of 5.63 is the country targeted most by cyber attacks, followed by Myanmar with a score of 18.60. Cyber crime surges in India Mansi Jagani India witnessed a sharp rise in cyber crimes in 2022, totaling over 65,000 incidents. Uttar Pradesh […]

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World Radio Day

History of world Radio Lovely Tyagi Radio has played an important role in the modernization of society. Prior to 1920s the radio was primarily used to contact ships in sea. During the war, the military used it almost exclusively and it became an invaluable tool in sending and receiving messages to the armed forces. After […]

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Contemplating cancer

Close the care gap Steffy Maria Paul World Cancer Day is celebrated annually on February 4 to create awareness about cancer. The theme for World Cancer Day 2022-2024 is “Close the Care Gap”. Highest cancer survival rate: Australia Ishika Sharma Australia is the country with the highest cancer survival rate, with 1,849.8 survivors per 100,000 […]

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Army Day January 15

Global Military Spending Prajwal Jayaraj Largest Armies in the world Avantika Khajuria Top ten exporters and importers of major arms globally Sumanta Sinha The visual graph shows that US is the leading exporter of arms where as India is the leading importer of arms in 2018-22. Expenditure on defence in India from 2001 to 2022 […]

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National Voters’ Day

Denmark most democratic Arunima Pal Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) assessed Demark to be the most electorally democratic country in 2022, with a score of 0.92. The assessment is based on the extent to which political leaders are elected through exercise of comprehensive voting rights in free and fair elections, and where freedoms of association and […]

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