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Data Stories

Afghanistan: the biggest target for cyber attacks

Ishika Sharma

Afghanistan, with a cyber-safety score of 5.63 is the country targeted most by cyber attacks, followed by Myanmar with a score of 18.60.

Cyber crime surges in India

Mansi Jagani

India witnessed a sharp rise in cyber crimes in 2022, totaling over 65,000 incidents. Uttar Pradesh led in reported cases in 2018, followed by Karnataka. Estimated losses in 2017 exceeded $18 billion, highlighting the need for improved cyber crime awareness and reporting mechanisms.

Ransomware attacks: India ranked seventh highest

Vandana Batra

Ransomware is malicious software through which hackers can block access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid. Around 66 percent organizations, on average were victims of a ransomware attack between March 2022 to March 2023 worldwide.

China does not have internet privacy

Arunima Pal

According to a study by Steven’s Institute of Technology, China ranks last among all countries in the assessment of internet privacy and freedom. The  ranking is based on several factors such as constitutional provisions for freedom of expression, human rights standards, government restrictions on internet and frequency of cyber attacks.

Easiest passwords to crack

Steffy Maria Paul

According to NordPass, a password manager, people choose the poorest passwords for their streaming accounts. Online accounts, emails, and passwords form 18 percent of the most common items on sale on the dark web. Researchers say that while passwords are getting harder to breach due to rapidly evolving technologies, malware attacks are still seen as a prominent threat to account security.

Rising Cyber Crimes

Ashna Mariam George

The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) compiles and publishes the data on crimes in its publication “Crime in India”. The latest published report is for the year 2022. 

Cybercrimes that target organisations

Vishnupriya R

Here are the terms used to indicate the cybercrimes that targets organisations for stealing information, money, or data. As the internet is gaining popularity, cybercrimes are also becoming prominent. Every year numerous attempts are made to steal money or data. Above mentioned are some of them.

Top 10 countries with most number of internet users

Saradhi Sankar

According to CNBC, China has the most number of internet users in the world with 1020 million internet users followed by India with 658 million users.

Steps taken by global internet users to protect their privacy

Amisha Mohite

People all over the world are taking steps to keep their online information safe. Measures like strong passwords and tools like VPN are used to hide internet activity. It is important to update software and be careful about sharing personal information online.

People don’t wish to pay for antivirus software

K Nitika Shivani

Norton has the highest percentage of paid users. People still prefer using free antivirus software. Microsoft Defender (standard on Windows devices) has the most (39 percent) free antivirus users.