Vacant seats despite reservations

Differently Abled  students feel more comfortable in special schools. Seats reserved for differently abled people in educational institutions remain vacant most of the time. Veena C, Superintendent, Seshadripuram Pre University college, said, “We have reservations for differently abled people but till date we have not received any applications. We do not have enough space in […]

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PU students do not want MCQ

PU students say they would prefer descriptive papers over MCQ exams. Pre-University (PU) students are not happy about the Karnataka government’s plan to base their exams on Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ). Bhavana, a PU student, studying Commerce at Seshadripuram Pre-University College, said, “I would like it if exams are descriptive as we would get to […]

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Not enough teachers for POCSO Act implementation

The Department of Public Instruction (DPI) had ordered all schools in Karnataka to start implementing the POCSO Act. The number of teachers in government schools is not enough to implement the Protection of Children against Sexual Offenses (POCSO) Act. The Unified District Information System for Education (UDISE) Plus report for 2021-2022 states that Karnataka has […]

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Teachers threaten shutting down schools

Government-aided institution teachers demand pension and medical benefits. Government-aided school and college teachers threaten shutting down of schools by boycotting teaching if there is no government response to the pension problem. Teachers are not able to meet basic necessities as they are not provided with any pension and medical benefits after retirement. Nijalingappa S., managing […]

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