PU students do not want MCQ

Education Karnataka

PU students say they would prefer descriptive papers over MCQ exams.

Pre-University (PU) students are not happy about the Karnataka government’s plan to base their exams on Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ).

Bhavana, a PU student, studying Commerce at Seshadripuram Pre-University College, said, “I would like it if exams are descriptive as we would get to write answers briefly. If they are MCQ exams then it  would not be fair, as anyone will be able to pass them.” 

Rakshitha, another student, studying Science, added that some students would just randomly mark their answers or copy them easily if the exam is MCQ-based.

Priyansh, a student of Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Computer Science (PCMC) at Seshadripuram Pre-University College, said, “When we had MCQ exams in the 10th standard, many students who did not even study got higher grades, and those who worked hard lagged behind them.” He added that completely removing descriptive questions in exams will be not fair to hard-working students.

However, the Superintendent of a Pre-University College said that given the exams are of 15-20 marks, having MCQs would be a better choice.

Gopalakrishna H N, Director (Exams) of Karnataka School Examination and Assessment Board, said that there are a lot of things to be decided upon. “We are still having meetings with the experts and it will take around a month or two to come up with a plan.”

He said that he could not say whether there would be any changes in the syllabus. “We can only say something once we have discussed it with the government officials and get their approval,” he added.

Veena C, Superintendent of Seshadripuram Pre-University College, said, “Revamping the entire examination pattern is a drastic measure. We have not yet received any such information from the PU Education Department. However, once we do we would have to discuss the further course of action with our college authorities and seek a response from students.”

Indrani Roy, Special Educator and Guest Lecturer at Rabindra Bharati University said, “In today’s modern education, I don’t think descriptive answers are needed because to answer the MCQs a student has to read the books thoroughly.”
