Total contribution of travel and tourism to GDP in India from 2013 to 2021.
By Riya Roy Chowdhury
Comparison between travel expenditure of different Prime Ministers of India.
By Anchal Verma
Month wise breakup of NRIs arrival in India 2019-2021.
By Anupreksha Jain
Total contribution of travel and tourism to GDP in South Korea from 2011 to 2028.
By Somanjali Das
Foreign Tourist Arrivals in India from different regions.
By Harshita Meenaktshi
Preferred mode of transportation for international travel during the COVID-19 pandemic among Indians as of July 2022.
By Anas Ali
BBC Travel survey has rated Kerala as the top favorite tourist destination among foreign travelers.
By Aakriti Srivastava
Top countries visited by PM Modi from 2014 to 2022.
By Sneha Kumar
Rajasthan Tourism over the years.
By Shrestha Dutta
Market cap of leading online travel companies worldwide.
By Dhananjay Goutam
Source: Statista
Total number of tourists that visited Uttar Pradesh in the year 2021-2022.
By Anuja Parashar

Month-wise Indian Nationals’ Departures during 2020,2021 and 2022.
By Taniva Singha Roy

Expenses incurred on chartered flights for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s foreign visits for the year 2019.
By Neha Soni

Number of jobs in travel and tourism sector in India FY 2014-2020.
By Mansi Arora
Source: Statista