Vendors and Pedestrians complain of inconvenience because of parked vehicles at the non-parking zone around K R Market.
By Archita Chakraborty
Due to the vehicles being parked in unauthorized places, commuters complain that they are unable to walk freely on the roads. Even the shopkeepers complain about vehicles being parked.
Fruit seller Abdulla said, “It has become a daily issue now. People leave their cars here and there inside the market. Sometimes they just park their cars in front of our shops, especially two-wheelers. Other customers face a problem because of that. They don’t get enough space to stand and buy.”
Murti, the constable of City Market Police Station said, “We impose spot fines whenever we see vehicles are in non-parking zones and according to the traffic rule of Bengaluru, we charge Rs. 1650 for two-wheelers and Rs. 2250 for four-wheelers. We spot fine two-three vehicles on an average every day in the region.”
Vijay, a regular customer at K R market said, “K R Market is already an overcrowded area as it is the city’s biggest market for wholesales and more over people park their vehicles inside the market for 5-10 minutes. People who prefer to walk face problem due to the narrow paths.”

The walking paths inside the market are being narrowed down as vehicles are parked on both sides of the road, blocking half of the road.
The assistant sub-inspector of K R Market traffic police station Mr. Prakash said, “We are looking after the non-parking zone problem as much as possible. The big trucks come in the morning to supply vegetables, fruits and flowers. If they park their vehicles somewhere for two-three hours, it shouldn’t be a problem.”
“The suppliers do park their cars near the shops because it is easy to supply vegetables, fruits, flowers and other things. Otherwise they have to carry it all through the parking zone. ” said the Vice president of market union, Narayan Raj.
K R Market has two parking zones. One is inside the market which is underground parking and the other is near the traffic signal which is specially used for two wheelers. In the other places there’s no “no-parking” board. Bengaluru traffic rule says that it is not okay to park at those places. Bengaluru traffic police insists that vehicles should not be parked in areas where the parking board doesn’t exist.
People should seriously obey all the parking rules. This publication is a good step.
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