Cement Factory of Gangasandra

In the village of Gangasandra under K.gollahali panchayat, on the outskirts of Bengaluru, village dwellers have been protesting since the last 5 years against a cement factory which has become the cause of several dust allergies and respiratory issues. The local phc in K.gollahali sees around 20 cases of respiratory issues like bronchitis, dust allergies […]

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Unrevived Tungabhadra

Tungabhadra is classified as one of the most highly polluted rivers in India by the Central Pollution Control Board. The sun was about to set, and Praveen was standing on the bank of Tungabhadra which flows to the northwest. Praveen went back to the time when he used to swim in the river, racing his […]

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Karnataka’s Namma Clinics, hindering access to healthcare

Basic amenities missing in Namma Clinics, hampering access to healthcare for daily wage workers Lack of basic amenities like water and limited operational hours of Namma Clinics, hinders access to healthcare facilities in the state. Namma Clinics are a state-driven initiative aimed at providing accessible and affordable healthcare services to marginalized communities. Raju, a daily […]

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Central government attacking roots of federalism: Bahutva Karantaka

Bahutva Karanataka, a Karnataka-based NGO released it’s fourth report on the central government’s treatment of federalism. In an online press conference speakers affiliated with Bahutva Karnataka (BK) alleged that Indian federalism has been endangered the most in the past five years than it has been in the history of India. The speakers alleged that the […]

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