Non-core engineering courses preferred

Core engineering branches like electrical, civil and mechanical are losing their sheen. In the last decade engineering seats in core branches have reduced from 180 to 60 whereas in non-core branches seats have increased. This year in Karnataka Common Entrance Test (KCET) rounds of counselling, seats in non-core branches  have filled earlier than those in […]

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ICAI enrollments take a dip

In order to keep up with the changing industry, the institute has proposed a change in syllabus. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) 2022 report revealed a 30 percent drop in enrollment from 2013. There has been a fall in demand for Chartered Accountant (CA) courses across India.  The number of total registrations […]

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BU affiliated colleges await Uni nod for admissions

Autonomous colleges, however, have started the process. Colleges affiliated with Bangalore University are awaiting the official circular from the university to start admissions whereas autonomous colleges have already begun the admissions process after the result of Karnataka’s Second Pre University (PU) exams came out on Friday. The pass percentage this year stood 74 percent, 12 […]

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