However, the gap between suppy and demand still remains wide, says the State Organ and Tissue Transplant Organization (SOTTO).
The number of organ donors for multiple organ donations have increased by 29 percent in the state over the previous year. According to the monthly statistics on organ donations in the state by State Organ and Tissue Transplant Organization (SOTTO), also known as Jeevasarthakathe, the numbers of donors till September 2023 are higher than the donors last year.

One of the reasons for donating organs is saving a family member. Manish, who suffered kidney failure last year, says that he was saved because his father, Durga Prasad, gave him his kidney. “It was a hard time, I never thought my father would help me in such a way,” he adds. Manish is 33-years-old, while his father is 65-years-old.
SOTTO said that there has been more awareness about the importance of donating organs, hence the numbers are rising. They added that the new QR code introduced for taking a pledge of donation and making a donor card by the department would help in creating more awareness.
Highlighting the difference in numbers between the donors and receivers, Dr. Anuja Porwal, Nephrologist and Kidney Transplant specialist said, “The need for organs is much greater than the number of people who donate. The reasons could be multi-fold, including lack of awareness, social and cultural beliefs, or even proper lack of infrastructure to ensure a successful transplant.”

Explaining the specifications for organ donation, Tamanna Sharma, organ transplant coordinator, Fortis Hospital, said that the preferable donors for transplant are first relatives, which are family members and blood relatives. “Blood groups play a huge role for both donors and receivers, receivers of blood group O cannot take organs from other blood groups.”
“People do not take care of health, and there has been a rise in cases of hypertension among youth. Also, kidney issues are not reported until 80 percent damage is done, in most cases, which is why transplant has become more frequent.”
A public health expert said that organs have a short span during transplant, hence the transplantation process should be quick. He added that if the organ is not used within the stipulated time period it may be deemed unfit for transplant.Hence the increasing number of donors will still not meet the demand.
The expert also said, “More campaigns could be held for more pledges for organ donation after death to be taken. It is important to bust myths around organ donation and spread awareness.”
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