Phoenix Washtech factory which was set to resume operations today continues to remain shut after damage from boiler blast
Riddhiman Roy
Jeans dyeing and washing unit PhoenixWashtech Market fails to restart operations on Monday after a major explosion shattered factory walls and asbestos, killing two on Friday night.
The factory was supposed to resume operations on November 18. But it is far from resuming operations, say the nearby residents.

“There is no notice regarding when the factory will start operating again. A lot of us have started looking for other work,” said Govinde G, a worker of the textile factory, who was found sitting helplessly on the factory premises.
“The factory unit was a few years old and was closed for a month due to maintenance work. The explosion was because of the built-up pressure within the boiler as it was not operational for some time, “,according to T.R. Ramesh, Additional Director, Department of Factories, Boilere, Industrial Safety and Health.
Forensic experts were quoted saying that the impact of the blast was low given the magnitude of the blast. “It was like an earthquake. None of us have ever experienced anything like this”, said a nearby shopkeeper who was just closing shop around 9.45pm on Friday when the blast happened.

The blast claimed the lives of Kanti 40, a native of Kunigal, and Ramesh, 35, of Peenya. The owner of the plant, Santosh Kumar, had set up the unit a few years ago and had sublet the premises to Kanti, who was running the factory according to police reports. Ramesh was a worker in the plant. Santosh Kumar was arrested by police for causing death by negligience.
“Kumar was booked under 304(A)IPC and is currently out on bail. As the crime did not have intention ofmurder and was caused by negligience, it is considered a bailable offence”, said S.Vasimulla, Sub-Inspector of Peenya Police Station.
Officials from Department of Labour, Karnataka, visited the site on Saturday. They said a criminal case will be registered against the factory owner. On Monday they told The SoftCopy team,that a decision was yet to be reached.