‘Everyone is having thoughts of war these days.’
The Inauguration for the Film Fest of the ”Gandhi Movie Series” took place today in the presence of various well-known figures: H.N. Suresh, Chiranjiv Singh, Nagathihalli Chandrasekar, H.B. Dinesh, Wooday P. Krishna, and N.S. Sridharamurthy.
Krishna said Society Needs to Have Gandhi Back
Each of them gave a brief speech on the achievements of the film series, on the life of Mahatma Gandhi. Mahatma Gandhi when he was the leader of the freedom movement in India. He is known as the ‘Father of Our Nation’ because he attained freedom for the country through non-violence.
Wooday P. Krishna, an educationist and social activist said, “Everyone is having thoughts of war these days. Look at the speeches made by politicians and their angles of campaigning. It’s mostly a matter of dominance and how they’re better than the others.
“We need a Gandhi to help us with the society we live in today. We’re on the path to destruction. We need to ensure a saner society that believes in peace,” he added.
“Gandhi followed two principles that are clearly lacking in this generation: Satya (Truth) and Ahimsa (Non-violence). We need to bring back these morals to ensure that the society still has humanity left,” Krishna stated.
The inauguration ceremony had been held in honour of the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, which will be October 2. The Chief Guests spoke mostly about the specialty of the seven films on Gandhi. They are ‘Gandhi’, ‘Making of Mahatma’, ‘Gandhi My Father’, ‘Gandhi Devi’, ‘Welcome Back Gandhi’, ‘Kurmavatara’, and ’20th Century Prophet’.
‘Gandhi’ had been nominated for an Oscar in Hollywood, and it was screened during the Bangalore International Film Festival.
Chiranjiv Singh, former ambassador of India for United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) said, “The film’s finance has a 30% stake by the government. A portion of whatever revenue is earned through the film will go to the government.”

“The best way to sum up this film would be that, if I had had any children, I would’ve definitely made them watch this film. It deserves that kind of recognition from this generation,” he added.
N.S. Sridharamurthy, Senior Divisional Commercial Manager, Bangalore division said, “The British government actually banned the documentaries that were about Gandhi.”