Fewer visitors at APD Garden Fair

Bangalore City

More visitors for the garden fair will encourage the physically disabled community, said APD officials.

The number of visitors to the Garden Fair at the Association of People with Disability (APD) has come down after Covid -19. Ganesh Hegde Director of Environment Horticulture APD said, “The number of visitors has reduced from 2,000 to 700 after covid.” The director added that this year they advertised the garden fair through various mediums. He said, “The main aim of this fair is to support the physically disabled community.

Every year training is given to physically disabled people through the ADP and with the help ofthe government.

Kiran, who is specially abled has completed his training and started working in APD said, “This training and this garden fair is really helpful to support the physically disabled people.” He added that this garden fair will support a lot of  them financially.

After covid the number of visitors is reduced from 2000 to 700

Susamma Mathew, a visitor said that through this fair physically disabled people are getting benefitted. She added that it is for a good cause; visiting and buying plants here will encourage and support the physically disabled people.

Arun Kumar from Voice of Needy Foundation said that there are very limited job opportunities for physically disabled. He said, “APD’s Garden Fair helps the disabled to get market for their work.” He added that this will also create a sense of satisfaction for customers that they purchased for a noble cause.
