Non-pharmacological interventions like animal assisted therapy are useful for adults with ASD.
The mental health sector in the country lacks intervention and therapy programmes for adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Though early intervention in autistic children is given importance but adult care is often neglected.
Hemangi Narvekar, a research scholar at the Department of Psychology, Christ (Deemed-to-be) University said that there are few studies on social competence among adults with ASD in India. “Adults with ASD exhibit a below average social competence. Since ASD is a lifelong disorder, they need intervention throughout their lives,” she added. She was talking on ‘canine-assisted therapy (CAT) for adults with autism spectrum disorder,’ at the Research Colloquium – 22, a bi-monthly gathering of research scholars at Christ University.
“This is the first study in India to explore the impact of CAT on the social competence of adults with ASD,” she said. The study shows that there was improvement in social performance and social interaction in adults with ASD after the animal assisted therapy. “The participants showed improvement in verbal and non-verbal social skills like eye-contact, social smiles and physical touch. The interaction with Loki, a three-year-old beagle, felt safe and non-judgmental for the participants,” she added. “Along with an improvement in targeted social competence, the participants also saw an increase in physical activity.” she said.

The participants of the study included four males in an age bracket of 18 to 36 years having different levels of autism and intelligence quotient (IQ). However, she said the study has certain limitations and pointed out that it needs more participants, female participation and frequent follow-ups.
Dr. Sreenath. K, Asst. Professor and Coordinator of Ph.D programme, psychology department, Christ University, said that the Research Colloquium is conducted every two months for the past one and a half years. The main purpose of the event is to give research scholars the right platform to showcase their work and interact with fellow researchers, he said. People with autism spectrum disorder can use animal assistance as a therapy to overcome their mental health challenges, he added.
Dr. Tarachand Naik B.T, psychiatrist, said that animals can help evoke emotional response, improve social bonds and communication skills in adults with ASD. He added, “Use of canines have many benefits beyond addressing autistic spectrum of symptoms.” However, he added that animal assisted therapy for autism and other medical conditions like epilepsy is yet to be popularized.
“Autism among several other mental disorders is neglected in India among general population and health care workers. Although, awareness is increasing, we have a long way to go in giving quality care to someone with autism,” he added.