Major earthquakes by the dollar value of property losses
Anchal Verma
No of deaths due to earthquakes in India since 2000
Harshita Meenaktshi
The numbers game of the Turkey and Syria earthquakes
Anas Molla
Chart showing the number of deaths due to earthquakes across India from 2010 to 2021
Mansi Arora

Largest tsunamis caused in India since 1762 (by earthquakes)
Sneha Kumar
Development of the number of earthquakes (M5+) worldwide from 2010 to 2022
Taniva Roy
The countries hit by the most registered earthquakes between 1990 and 2022
Riya Roy Chowdhury
Internal displacement caused by disasters in 2021
Top Donor Countries in the United Nations CERF
Anupreksha Jain
Strongest earthquakes worldwide according to measurements on the Richter scale as of 2022
Shreshtha Dutta
Earthquakes with the highest death toll worldwide from 1900 to July 2022
Somanjali Das
Relief material sent by India (in millions)
Anuja Parashar