Bengaluru, Aug. 23, 2018 : Incidents of molestation decreased and cases of eve teasing have increased up to some extent in the Bengaluru city. This year until June, the Bengaluru city has recorded 464 cases of molestation against 976 cases in 2017 according to statistics of City Crime Record Bureau.
For eve-teasing, 58 cases have been registered up to June this year, as opposed to 105 cases registered last year. It is more than half till mid June this year as compared to 2017 according to the data of City Crime Record Bureau (CRCB). The ratio of molestation is less than half of total as compared to total cases registered in 2017. Molestation is assaulting the woman by any criminal force with intention of violating her modesty which could turn into imprisonment up to two years, fine or both. Eve-teasing is to hinder modesty of woman by word, sound or gesture which could take imprisonment up to three years or fine.
Many factors contribute to such incidences. ‘’One of them is when couples choose for live-in relationship, that is when conflict happens and sometimes the victim tries to blackmail the other person and misuses the law”, said Shri D.R. Gowri,Additional Commissioner of Police of the State Crime Record Bureau. After the incident of Nirbhaya, people become more aware.
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According to the annual report of NCRB 2016 (National Crime Record Bureau), Bangalore was in second position in total number of cases registered against women violence after Mumbai in 2016. In the 2017 report it remains second after Delhi.
According to the statistics of Centre Crime Record Bureau, a total of 831 cases have been solved out of 976 in 2017 for Molestation (Section 354 IPC). Out of 464 cases up to June 2018, 329 were solved for the same offence. For the eve teasing (Section 509 IPC), 80 cases were solved out of 105 in 2017, and 37 were solved out of 58, up to end of June 2018.
‘’There is an increase in number of false complaints for molestation and other offences, as in each case a single party or person cannot be blamed’’ added Jitendra Khanagavi (Deputy Commissioner of Police, Crime).

“After the incidence of Nirbhaya, citizens become more aware of complaining about incidents, now complaints are registered more which made easier for police department to take action. Victims should be in their same situation and rush to hospital and police station to show the proof wherever they have been violated”, said Shri D.R. Gowri.
Good job brother
Hi it has been good and important information I got from your investigation of women violence in the city and as well in country like India