BBMP website full of wrong numbers

BBMP Top Story

Over 30 phone numbers displayed on the website, only one or two work.

The Bruhat Bengaluru MahanagaraPalike (BBMP) website lists phone numbers that do not connect to the respective person in charge. Users find it difficult to convey their grievances to BBMP marshals.

Mahesh, a resident from BTM Layout said, “I have had complaints to raise regarding garbage dumping on the road next to apartments nearby. When I tried to contact solid waste management authorities, the calls did not connect.” He added, “There has to be a way to clear this out without having to depend on a contractor.”

Over 30 numbers are displayed on the website. Each department has 12 numbers, they include solid waste management, lakes, roads, infrastructure and others. Out of the 30 numbers displayed, only a few numbers work. The engineering cell of the BBMP site has six numbers that connect to retired BBMP marshals.

Numbers of the chief executive and assistant executive of over three departments are wrong numbers. “The numbers are not that of officers of the BBMP but are personal numbers of some people,” said Mahesh.

Some working numbers connect to retired BBMP marshals who are unaware that their numbers are still on the site. T. Srinivas, a retired marshal from BBMP (Infrastructure) said, “I have resigned from my post seven years ago. I did not know that they have my number displayed on the website.” During his tenure he had shifted departments to a different zone and would receive calls about grievances of departments that he was not in charge of, he added.

A rule in the Right to Information (RTI) act says that all government websites must update their sites on a frequent basis. This is to help people contact required departments based on their needs.

Aisha, another resident from BTM layout said that not all streets have a contractor that deals with potholes. BBMP is responsible for all potholes which when left unattended have the potential to cause several accidents. She added, “I have contacted 13 different numbers in a day to reach at least one official but failed to connect to anyone.”

A helpline responder from Karnataka One, a portal meant for grievances in the city said, “If the BBMP website or any government website is unreachable it is advisable to go to the nearest municipality to convey their concern in a written format.” At the same time it may not be feasible for everyone to physically visit and complain, she added.

Naveen, an official from the BBMP engineering cell said, “We update numbers as soon as we are notified by the chief executive of the particular department.” Over a period of five years the Information technology (IT) department is in charge of updating numbers, he added.

Praveen Linagaya, an official from the tech cell of the BBMP department said, “As the IT department is responsible for the updates on the website which is both numbers and email IDs, it must be done on a regular basis to help people.”

According to government laws, grievance portals must be accessible to all citizens in case of emergencies and to raise complaints.
