Capacity of Solar Installations in Karnataka between 2016 and 2021
By Harshita Meenaktshi
Share of global electricity source
By Anas Ali
Data indicating shift from normal to electric vehicles from 2019 to 2021.
By Anuja Parashar

Source: Ministry of Power
Emissions from coal combustion in India are far higher than those produced by both gas and oil combustion. India is the second-largest producer of coal emissions worldwide, behind only China.
By Somanjali Das

Source: Statista
Graph showing the number of forest fires in India from Nov 2018 to June to 2021
By Mansi Arora
Source: Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
The trend shows an increase of urbanization by 4.11 per cent in the last decade.
By Anchal Verma

Source: Statista
In 2022, share of net area under organic farming has been increased.
By Dhananjay Gautam

Source: Statista
Particle pollution also known as Particulate matter (PM) 10 and PM 2.5 level in Bengaluru.
By Riya Roy Chowdhury
Source: CPCB
Conservation Reserves of India which is 0.15% of geographical area of the country.
By Aakriti Srivastava

Source: National Wildlife Database (2022)
The data shows the loss in tree cover in India from 2001 to 2021. Changes in both natural and planted forests are counted, and may or may not be caused by humans.
By Sneha Kumar

Source: Green Forest Watch
Decade-wise data on Global Land and Ocean Temperature Anomalies.

Source: National Centers for Environmental Information
Composition of forest cover in seven major cities in 2021.
By Anupreksha Jain

Source: Economic Survey (2021)
Deaths attributable to Air Pollution from the year 2000 to 2019.
By Taniva Singha Roy

Source: Statista